The Heilehaus project

The Heilehaus project was created in 1981 and has since then endeavoured to offer various services to heal the body and mind through natural methods, particularly for socially disadvantaged people.

The promotion and prevention of health, through natural methods, the possibility of working on the body, movement and hygiene are the main goals of our institution. Through information, motivation and encouragement, we aim above all at individual initiative and a self-responsible relationship with one’s own body.

  • Decentralized natural health insurance
  • Individual capacity building
  • Strengthening social skills

Through our action, we want to fight against the consequences of poverty and unemployment.

We are fighting against the following problems:

  • resignation, lack of prospects
  • malnutrition, lack of exercise
  • stress, aggressiveness and drug abuse

Our goal is to strengthen the potential for personal effort and resources belonging to the body. We strive to adapt our offer to individual and social changes. All the projects and offers developed aim to give courage and motivation to people who are subject to physical or mental difficulties due to living conditions that have sometimes led them to be aggressive towards themselves or towards others.

© Roxanne Borloz
© Lera Xendzova


Reception opening hours

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
11 am – 1 pm

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm

Outside these hours, please leave a message, we will call you back!


We are partially funded by the Berlin Office of Health and Social Affairs (LAGESO).
We are therefore dependent on private donations.

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE88 1002 0500 0003 3345 00

Donations are tax deductible! We will send you a certificate.

With the support of the Senate of Berlin.

© Lera Xendzova